International Relations Ambassador Rubric

Role Description

International Relations Ambassadors are key to promoting a global perspective within the online and distance learning community. They facilitate cultural exchange, support international students, and foster partnerships with global institutions. Their role involves organizing virtual international events, providing resources for cultural education, and advocating for the needs of international students.


  • Organize virtual cultural exchange events, language exchange sessions, and international webinars to promote global awareness and understanding.
  • Provide guidance and support to international students, assisting with navigation of the online learning environment, time zone challenges, and cultural adaptation.
  • Collaborate with international institutions and organizations to foster partnerships and create global learning opportunities.
  • Develop and distribute resources on cultural sensitivity and international perspectives to enrich the learning environment.
  • Advocate for policies and practices that support the inclusion and success of international students.

Expected Behaviors

  • Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness: Demonstrate a deep understanding of and respect for diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives.
  • Proactive Support: Actively reach out to and provide tailored support to international students, ensuring their smooth integration into the online community.
  • Effective Communication: Communicate effectively across cultural boundaries, facilitating clear and inclusive interactions.
  • Collaboration: Work collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders to enhance the institution’s international relations.
  • Advocacy: Champion the needs and contributions of international students within the online learning community.

Performance Metrics

  1. Cultural and International Events
    • Number and variety of international and cultural events organized.
    • Attendance and engagement levels at these events.
    • Participant feedback on the educational and cultural value of the events.
  2. International Student Support
    • Number of support initiatives specifically aimed at international students.
    • Feedback from international students on the effectiveness of the support provided.
    • Success rates in addressing common challenges faced by international students, such as time zone accommodations or language barriers.
  3. Global Partnerships and Collaborations
    • Number of partnerships or collaborations established with international institutions or organizations.
    • Impact of these partnerships on the online learning community, such as joint events, exchange programs, or shared resources.
    • Feedback from partners on the effectiveness and mutual benefits of the collaboration.
  4. Cultural Education and Awareness
    • Range and quality of resources developed to promote cultural sensitivity and global awareness.
    • Utilization rates of these resources by the student body.
    • Changes in community awareness and attitudes towards cultural diversity, as measured by surveys or feedback.
  5. Advocacy and Policy Influence
    • Examples of successful advocacy for international student needs and inclusion.
    • Implementation of policy changes or new practices as a result of ambassador initiatives.
    • Feedback from the institution and student body on the impact of these changes.

Evaluation Frequency

  • Formal evaluations should be conducted bi-annually or at the end of each academic year to assess the ambassadors’ contributions to fostering international relations and cultural exchange.
  • Regular, informal check-ins should be encouraged to provide ongoing support to ambassadors, gather feedback from international students, and adapt initiatives to current needs.

Personal Information

Professional Background

Ministry, Ambassador or Outreach Experience

e.g. good, bad, fair
e.g. social media, school. ministry

Interest and Motivation

Availability and Commitment

Clear Signature