Partnership Opportunity

First Fruit Partners are our partners entrusting us with their first fruit, to take it unto God on their behalf to please God for a more blessed and graceful life through worship and obedience to God.
5-Fold Partners are our partners who have recognized that they have been blessed with a gift of the 5 Gifts and desire to partner with those working to perfect and edify those carrying the gift through, training, development, and geographical advancement.
Business and Ministry Partners are our partners overseeing the ministry and desire to work together with us for the perfecting of the saints, edifying of the body, and the work of the ministry beginning with those in the area of Education, Girl’s and Women’s Empowerment, Child and Senior Development, and Nutrition, Ministry and Community Outreach.
Additional Benefit
Partnership Welcome Letter
Partner Discounts with Affiliated Organizations
Emet Global Education Group Tuition Discount
Stream Channel Access
Potential Broadcasting Opportunity on The Upper Room of Prayer
Access to the Outreach Hub for funding, scholarships, and outreach Opportunity
Volunteering Opportunity
We are also developing partnership opportunities with corporate and professional partners who desire to work with a faith-based organization toward the advancement and improvement of all mankind in the area of Faith, Education, Wellness, Economy, creativity, Relationships, and technology.